Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The 7 Deadly Myths of Software Procurement

As a software developer and serial entrepreneur, I have found myself in both the client position hiring solution providers and the supplier position designing and delivering tailor-made enterprise software solutions. It is fascinating to me how both sides of the table operate, and how each is always trying to out-maneuver the other. The one thing that I have noticed over and over again is that many clients are too easily swayed with superficial sales promises. By superficial, I mean that suppliers throw tech-words out there like "innovation" and "best practice" as if they are doing that. They tell you how they are the best and the most used software. And they expect you to believe it. But you shouldn’t.

The sad thing is that, in spite of the amount of money a company is spending (or about to spend) on a software solution, most clients never correctly investigate the claims made by sales representatives.

You see, it’s a trick of the supplier to get you to believe in the myths of software, and it’s your responsibility to choose a software solution and provider that will address your business needs and risks, and not simply buy into the political sales pitch.

Over the last 20 years or so in this environment, I’ve noticed 7 myths that software solution providers advocate in their attempt to both get new clients and keep existing. I am always interested in your comments, so please follow me on Linked IN and post your comments there.
I have also provided a way I think would be effective in your efforts to counter the myths. If you have further suggestions, I would love to hear them!

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Continuing on our "7 Deadly Myths of Software Procurement" series with today's Myth: Myth number 4: “These guys are too small...